Cashbac App UX Challenge

Windi Romania
6 min readMar 12, 2019


  1. Redesigning user experience journey from login/signup page until home page.

The Challenge

Cashbac is basically an app that focusing on rewardings and merchant, not a payment focusing app. How ensure users that we are a rewarding app.


Current Apps

From the information given, current apps not really showing the focus itself. The reason why your users are clueless (most of the time) is not because of the visual design but the uncompleted & disorganised Information.

current apps

User Persona

Going further, i describe the individual who use cashbac product to efficiently identify and communicate with.

The aim would be to introducing cashbac and improve the user journey to provide seamless experience for our persona.

Alexa Ren, 24–30 yo, Have a credit card/ Jenius. Focus : Promo. Usually using for : Search the nearest promo, Pay without cash, Drink/Food.

Usability & Interview

The usability task is Login/Sign up until user digest the homepage. Total of number participants are 5, why? Usability expert Jakob Nielsen says testing five people will catch 85% of the usability issues with a design.


  1. Understand user goals and pain points
  2. Envision redesign visual language
  3. Evaluate current login/sign up — homepage

Interview Result

What’s your age range ?


Have you ever used digital payment before? why you like it?

Yes, Ovo or Gopay. 2 always, 3 ever. Because Practical and Easy

Do you have jenius or digibank? how often you used it?

5 Yes. Almost everyday

Do you have other credit card?

2 Yes, 3 No

Do you ever used cashbac?

2 Yes, 3 No

Usability Test :

Easy. from 1–10 ( 10 is the easiest ) easy level is 8,2.

User Interview & Usability Testing Process

User Perception :

  1. What this app for ?


Because the first page


Because of the name itself and have a lot of merchant.

Get Money.

Every purchase get cashback, save and get more money.

2. What you perception about login page, are the information before login clear enough?

2 didn’t read, 3 not really clear, not introduce cashbac.

3. What do you like about cashbac app?

Clear, good 1 tone color, efficient, a lot of promo and top merchant.

4. What do you dislike about cashbac app?

Just focus on food, not travel, the category doesn’t have hierarchy, the banner not really clear.

From that emphathise process, i understand which one already good, and which one need to be fix.



  • Clear apps introduction
  • Focusing on rewardings and merchant
  • Highlight another category.

What Problem to Solve

  • User can see the focus app
  • User understand that they can linked their jenius/cc/ another payment
  • User may just know it was only for food/restaurant
  • User can see category base on hierarchy


I created a mind mapping for brainstorming and define the structural design of shared information environments, i also created wireframe to explore design alternatives.

after some iteration and asking some people ( base on persona ) about the wireframe. Here is hi-fidelity mockup.

On boarding page

One of the most important changes that i made was adding some information on boarding page. First of all, i added Cashbac tagline to help user understand what this app for. Not only for cashback but also for shop & reward.

in order to tell user our USP, i added 2 more factors that user can do with this app, add your source of fund ( maybe Ovo and Gopay option in the future) and merchants logos. In merchants part i also show that this app has variative merchant, not only on f&b but also beauty, telco,mini-market and fine dining. Since i got insight sometime user doesn’t really read on boarding. I designed it slide automatically every 3 seconds, change to another page and looping, hence i put logos to draw more attention in this pages.


I revised the category arrangement in homepage and did some ui refreshment in this page for better experience. The category arrange base on preferences, Food, and Girl Stuff. Combining cafe & dessert, and move nearby tabbing to category for seamless user journey.

Tabbing has been simplify to 3, why? less is more, user will be more focus with 3 main things, explore, pay and account. referral tab already move to account since it’s part of that group. I also highlight pay tab to make user more aware with our main feature.

Before - After

2. Premium User

The Challenge

In the user life cycle, retention is one of the key metrics that is constantly evaluated to ensure healthy and sustainable growth. One of the key concepts that is used to keep retention up is a premium membership program. Your task is to design a membership program for Cashbac.

In this part, i do an user interview with 5 peoples and usability test with paper prototype.


Have you ever become premium member? Why you like it?

4 Yes, 1 No

Good Side?

More access, more exploration and more easy-way

Bad Side ?

Spend more and feel awful if can’t use it maximal

This page will be part of account menu. From the usability test, 4 people say probably will join and 1 say no. but it depends on the merchants list itself.

Hygiene factor

  1. More Cashback
  2. More Reward
  3. Get Money


6 month membership =Rp.100.000

1 year membership = Rp. 150.000

Features user premium

  1. Transaction Graph

display static graphs of transactions in a certain period of time based on the value / number of transactions

2. Spend Chart

displays the percentage of spend based on the desired period. and there is total spend in this period. (a week, a month or a year)

3. Loyalty Grade

display benefits that are obtained according to user grade and get complimentary food/drink for each grade.

Newcomer : Spent 0–500rb/Bulan

Get +5% cashback

Reward : Rp.50.000 for every used referral code

Explorer : Spent 550rb — 1.000.000 / bulan

Get + 10% cashback

Reward : Rp. 75.000 for every used referral code

Navigator : Spent 1.050.000–2.000.000/bulan

Get +15% cashback

Reward : Rp.100.000 for every used referral code

Ambassador : Spent > 2.050.000

Get +20% cashback

Reward : Rp. 150.000 for every used referral code

Explore 500+ top rated merchants across indonesia

(*list of merchant depends on joined merchants)

Also, i got insight for adding reminder feature in premium user, to help them utilise premium membership as it should be.

What about you ? I’d love to hear your thoughts about that, also if you’ve found successful in your UX challenges. Feel free to reach out to me to chat or grab coffee if you’re in Jakarta.

Thank you for reading! For another portfolio, you can check here

